I greatly appreciated this article! I have made a point over the last few years of trying to spend my sundays pursuing the good as a way to refresh. Often however, as was the case yesterday, I end up feeling drained instead because I made the mistake of doing pleasurable activities instead. It can be tricky sometimes to make the distinction, at least for me, in the moment. After all, what's the big difference between watching videos on youtube or watching a movie? Well, turns out there's a big difference indeed between watching a bunch of random videos for entertainment and watching The Lord of the Rings for inspiration.

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I agree that it can be hard to make a distinction in the moment...

YouTube shorts *do* contain elements of the goods - knowledge, very often, and sometimes beauty or play in some form. But are they the *best* way of accessing those goods? Almost always, they are not.

I find that keeping the basic goods clearly in mind and being intentional to ask myself what the reason is for Doing the Thing is the biggest help. For pleasure (alone) is not a reason.

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SO GOOD, Susan. Thank you.

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Very thought-provoking, Susan. I've realized recently that I don't have enough real play in my life. Except that I didn't call it that. Reading this has helped me to name the loss and naming is often the first step toward the pursuit of something "good". Thank you!

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I have millions of dollars, am incredibly famous, and this still changed my life. Thank you.

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